Visit in Austria was organized from 25th of September to 2nd of October 2022, participants were from both region teams and management groups of “house of support”. The visit was of great importance as the employees were given the opportunity to get familiar with Austrian model of house care on the spot. The visit started in the city of Klagenfurt. There the Austrian colleagues introduced care system of Austria to the participants. During the visit, several presentations were presented to the visitors and they had the opportunity to have dialogue in a question-and-answer mode.
It was beneficial and interesting to accompany mobile care employees (11 participants) with mobile care teams with the clients. On the 29th of September the visit continued in Vienna, where Monika Gugerell held study session with mobile care group there she had presentation about prolonged care in Austria and Hilfswerk, she answered participants’ questions, as well.
The group also visited day care center for the elderly in Leopoldstadt and attended prosperity lunch in Café “Vollpension”
The visit in Austria was important and fruitful. Before, our mobile group was aware of the model of house care only from the trainings and then they had the opportunity to get familiar with that model on the spot and use this gained knowledge in Georgia and implement new practices.