Services for dignified life of elderly in Georgia and BiH
Georgia (GE) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) are faced with a rapidly ageing population, the break-up of the multi-generational family model and the outflow of young people from their home towns and villages leading to increased numbers of single elderly households that lack caretakers. In addition, elderly are mostly an invisible target group that is often by-passed by social policy. In both target countries, elderly mobile care is mostly operated by NGOs or private companies, while state programmes are limited in their scope and outreach or not specifically tailored to the needs of elderly. The problem with this fragmented care market is the lack of unified care standards. At best, most service providers use their own care and training standards, while others employ low-skilled carers, offering expensive or poor quality services. All of these factors leave many elderly persons in highly vulnerable positions, hampering their right for “Ageing with Dignity”.
This program strives to foster increased access to mobile care services for elderly people in four communities in Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and contribute to an inclusive policy framework which strengthens their position in society and ensures the fulfilment of their elderly rights.
This is achieved by setting up financially sustainable social service providers (‘Houses of Support’) that a) develop and pilot integrated mobile home care service models to safeguard uniform quality standards, and b) act as knowledge hubs for mobile home care services, render capacity development for caretakers, offer counselling on elderly issues and Healthy Ageing activities and conduct awareness raising and advocacy.
The developed model is well rooted in international best practices and Austrian profound knowledge in integrated home care services that is systematically shared by Hilfswerk Austria with its project partners. The project is also closely interlinked with the ADA-financed business partnership “House of Support – Elderly Homecare Sustainable Service Provision in BiH” (2020-2022).
Needs assessment of communities and clients in GE
Organisational set-up of House of Support in GE and planning of business models and service packages
Training mobile care teams and volunteers in GE
Piloting (in GE) and on-going quality management
Healthy Ageing activities (in GE) and consultations
Continuous provision of elderly mobile care in BiH
Advocacy and awareness raising of general public
Cross-country exchange/knowledge management
Target groups / Beneficiaries in both countries
In total at least 1.000 persons and more than 40 organizations will be directly included in the project:
240 elderly directly benefitting from mobile services and 140 persons from Healthy Ageing activities
450 family members
Min. 42 caretakers and min. 20 volunteers
Min. 95 persons working in municipalities
At least 60 staff members of NGOs/CSOs
Project details
Project period: January 2020 – December 2023
Project implemented by Hilfswerk International (HWI) in cooperation with
Hilfswerk International Representation Office Sarajevo, Association for Help and Development HAJDE in BiH, IDP Women Association “Consent” (IDPWA),
Georgian Association of Social Workers (GASW),
Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) in Georgia.
Nicole Maria Bauer, HWI HQ
Regional Manager BiH & South Caucasus
Mob: +43 676 87 87 68 011
Manana Lagazidze, HWI GE
Local expert knowledge embedment & networking
Phone: (+995) 595 046 512
Project financed by Austrian Development Cooperation