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Conference of the April 25th

On April 24-25th the IDPWA “Consent” conducted a two-days long conference within the “Together for our rights” project.

The conference is financed by the “Bread for the World” project “Together for our rights”. Materials from other projects such as IDP needs survey (EU/ Expertise France) and from the “Women and Youth for the Local implementation of the WPS Agenda” (UN Women) project were also used.

The second day of the conference was dedicated to the situation and needs of IDPs. The conference was attended by state representatives and local self-government, organizations working on IDP problems and, of course, IDPs themselves. The meeting was also attended by representatives of Abkhazian government and Provisional Administration of South Ossetia. The head of IDP department under the Internally Displaced Persons, Ecomigrants and Livelihood Agency Vladimer Kebadze presented an Agency report for 2022 and discussed future plans what was followed by many questions and active discussions. Also, the preliminary results of the survey conducted by the IDPWA “Consent” were presented.

Majority of comments and questions referred to the topic of resettlement of IDPs, IDP allowance, economic situation, also IDPs from Abkhazia asked several questions regarding their property left in Abkhazia and necessity of its registration.

During the meeting future plans were discussed including arranging future meetings regarding crucial issues which will be discussed with competent people working on them.


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