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Conference of the April 24th

The conference is financed by the “Bread for the World” project “Together for our rights”. Materials from other projects such as IDP needs survey (EU/ Expertise France) and from the “Women and Youth for the Local implementation of the WPS Agenda” (UN Women) project were also used.

The first day of the conference was dedicated to the positive role of women and youth in peacebuilding processes. Two panels were organized, during which experts shared their views regarding conflict transformation processes in Georgia and discussed new emerged reality which was caused by the war in Ukraine. Panelists talked about new challenges that people living on the occupied territories face daily, (the problem of free movement, travel documents), they emphasized the necessity to institutionalize dialogue regarding conflict transformation and the necessity of having a peace policy and a peace agenda. A very interesting discussion was held about the status of neutral documents and their usage.

The topics of positive role of women and youth in peacebuilding processes and conflict transformation were stressed. Archil Gegeshidze, Paata Zakareishvili, Ucha Nanuashvili, Nino Kalandarishvili, Elene Rusetski and other experts shared their views and experiences.

After the panel group work was organized, which aimed at defining needs and challenges regarding peacebuilding faced by nongovernmental organizations, decision-makers, women and youth.


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